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Cavalier (Crimson Elite Book 1) Page 4

  Looking down at the bag, I gaze back at him to ask him why.

  “In there is what you need to wear.” He looks to the time on his watch. “You’re expected in three hours, I suggest you sleep.” He walks off, not even looking back or giving me an answer as to why he was at the club, and why did he come to my home instead of calling me from a normal number.

  Looking into the bag, I laugh. Then look again, thinking I’m drunk.

  Nope, I’m not.



  It’s not part of what I do, I do not make house calls. Who the fuck does that? I sure as shit didn’t, until her. The girls are my responsibility to hire, to make sure they’re happy and that’s it. No house calls. This shit isn’t something I plan to do again. Seeing her at the club made me walk up to her, not because she had a man’s hands all over her—last time I saw a man do that she smashed him over the knuckles—but because she was letting those hands stay on her and not once did she pull away from his touch. It made me wonder who he was to her and why he could touch her the way he was. He noticed me first. It’s always the way when women are involved, men always notice.

  Falcon dragged me out to find customers, it’s what he does. And seeing as I don’t like to leave work or home, he decided it was best if he dragged me out. On the terms that he would pay me, of course. We are in the game of business, and even if I trust all three of them with my life, I trust the money they make even more so.

  Seeing Elicea at the club was unexpected, this place is always so busy. It always has been, most of our loyal customers come from here. Older gentlemen, if you want to call them that, come and spend up big, buying girls that they know are never going to look at them when they’re way too drunk. Falcon’s job is to show them that. That the money they spend at this bar, can be better spent to actually get what they want.


  It’s our specialty.

  We have rules, though.

  Very strict rules. You can’t just enter our place of business because we approached you.

  Except her.

  She was my exception, which is what made Darby lose his shit at me.

  I’m a rule follower, so breaking the rules isn’t something I do. Especially when I created most of the rules in the first place.

  We find our customers, they then have to fill in an application form online. But this form isn’t your usual type of form. This is one where they have to give us all their details, including bank details and statements. So we will always know where to find them if need be. Plus, to complete all the necessary checks on them.

  We take our business seriously. It’s how we’ve run it for years. It’s how we’ve made so much money over the years. Our customers are with us from the start, and never want to end. There are only two ways out of your contract with our club.

  One—you pay your way out with a damn good reason. Most of the time marriage is the only acceptable reason.

  Two—you die.

  We don’t make any other exceptions.

  We don’t just pretend to run an elite club, we are the elite club that’s whispered and spoken about in hushed tones. The one you want to tell everyone about, but if you do—let’s just say they know better than to talk out of school.

  So Elicea, she fucked up all my rules. Even my rule on hiring the girls. And it was all from a single glance. She has turned my life into a tailspin.

  There is, and always has been, only one woman in my life—my mother. She worked her ass off to give me the best education, and make sure I turned out to be a reasonable man. Now, I support her. I gave her a house for her birthday. She deserves it and so much more. She’s selfless, always has been. It’s a part of the reason I do what I do, to become great, and turn into the man she raised me to be. I had to do what was necessary. And I have.

  She understands what I do for work, well, as much as I let her know anyway. She knows I run an exclusive and private club with the guys. We all went to school together and have been inseparable since seventh grade, so it came as no surprise when she found out we were opening a business together.

  Falcon tries calling again as I walk down the street back to the club. I left him there and went straight to her house, knowing that’s where she’d end up. I was right. She wouldn’t even say a word to me before she left, but that was unexpected.

  I have to say, though, if the hands of that man who was holding her didn’t remove them before I caught my next breath, she would have been scared. And running from me would have been the least of her worries because she would have seen what type of man I really am, and I’m not ready for her to see that side of me, yet. Things like that take time, or you hide them the best you can.

  “What?” I answer as I arrive at the doors knowing full well where he is before seeing him. Pulling it open, he whistles loudly behind me. I can hear his footsteps. They’re loud against the floor—Falcon’s always noisy.

  “You’re chasing a woman? Never thought I’d see the day.”

  I turn, letting go of the door. “Fuck off.”

  He shakes his hand out like it’s on fire. “And the temper to match it. You must be invested. When do I get to meet her? D told me all about her.”


  Falcon’s smile picks up even higher on his face. “This should be interesting.” He pushes past me and goes inside before me. Walking up the stairs, he starts to whistle the song we used to tease Echo with. He was and has always been, our lovesick friend. ‘Kissing in the Tree,’ he still hums until I grab his jacket, slamming him into the wall. All he does is laugh knowing it’s pissing me off.

  “Knock it the fuck off, Falcon, before I put my fist through your fucking face.”

  He brushes me off and side-steps out of my hold. “What if I like her? What if she isn’t what you think? Have you thought of that?”

  I have, many times. Echo’s shown us that despite who he loves, women aren’t really what they say they are. They can deceive and lie. The only people we can trust completely are the people within our circle. Us. No one else. Everyone else just wants something from us, once they know what we have or do.

  “You can fucking have her. Fuck if I care. Just a piece of ass.” Storming away, D opens his door as I walk past, then looks to Falcon before he shakes his head, shutting the door again. He knows how Falcon is, the two of us always butting heads. We are the opposite, but somehow so much alike. Where he is loud, I am quiet.

  Even the same type of women, which we found out early on in high school and Falcon always got whichever girl he wanted. He had that easy-going smile which could flirt the panties off any girl who walked by. I scared most of the girls. That’s not to say I didn’t get my fair share of pussy, just never the ones that I took too much of an interest in. That’s where Falcon came in, then he broke their hearts not long after. Another thing we have in common, we don’t do relationships.

  “You’ll have to introduce me,” he says as I open my office door to get away from him.

  D follows me in, shutting the door behind him. Then he starts pacing the room. “You’re going to have to fire her.”

  My head shoots up at his words. “No.”

  He turns fast to stare at me, his eyes trained in on me. “It’s already causing problems. Soon you and Falcon are going to be fucking punching on again. He knows how to piss you off. He knows your triggers. It’s just a matter of time before you blow up at him.” He’s right, if I fight with anyone it’s going to be him. And not verbal, we use our fists. Then after, everything’s usually fine. It’s just how we operate.

  “Last time I had to fucking pay for a new wall. I’m not paying for a new wall again. Do you hear me?” He steps closer.

  I roll my eyes as I look back to my computer. “I think you forget, D, that you aren’t the boss. You just think you are.” He throws his hands in the air, his fists are formed and anger is evident all over him.

  “If you fucks didn’t fuck up, I wouldn’t act this way. Who do you think ho
lds this place together?”

  Standing up, my chair gets pushed backward. Falcon appears in the doorway, his hands crossed over his chest.

  Did I also forget to mention, that no matter what, we always have each other backs?

  “Watch your fucking words, D.” Darby turns around to see Falcon and shakes his head at him before he looks back to me. “Fire her, or I will.” He walks to my door, pushes past Falcon then slams his office door.

  “You aren’t firing her,” Falcon says.

  I shake my head, I know I’m not. “Nope, this isn’t just his company.”

  We never complain about who he hires, yet he seems to have a problem with who we hire. Not happening. We respect him, but some choices aren’t his to make. Even if he thinks they are.

  “She’s a brunette, isn’t she?” He laughs, knowing full well my type.

  “Fuck off,” I say, throwing my stapler at him as he disappears out my door.



  I’m dressed as a sexy clown—a fucking clown. Clowns scare the absolute shit out of me yet here I am walking around dressed like one. My coat does nothing to hide the fishnet stockings, nor does the makeup that covers my face do a good job at hiding who I am. People stare as I walk to work, some look longer than is acceptable. I guess that’s what happens when you’re dressed like a fucking clown. Johnny is dressed similarly, triangles painted over his eyes, and he looks even more ridiculous in spandex with no shirt. He’s smoking when I step up to him, he almost chokes on his cigarette as he looks at me, then he laughs.

  “I really thought if they asked you to dress up, you’d say no.”

  I shrug, then hug the coat closer to my body. “I need the job.” It’s my only comeback because it’s true. I need the work desperately and the money even more.

  “Well, you look hot as shit. Are you ready for the day?”

  Looking around, I notice limousines parked out the side. Standing next to him, I go to ask why they’re there during the day when the giggle of a girl catches my eye. She’s getting out of one of the limos and behind her is a man who’s blindfolded. Then behind him is another girl. They go in through the entrance, and they’re laughing and touching him the whole time.

  “What is it? What’s happening?”

  “The Crimson Circus.” The smoke in his fingers drops to the ground as he loops his hand through mine, pulling me inside the club. It’s not what I expected. It’s usually dark and red. Instead the place is bright and colorful. A stage is set up with dancers, some on the stage and some hanging from the rafters on silks spinning in the air. They’re all dressed similarly to what I have on, but some more revealing than others. Some are merely wearing glitter nipple covers with a glitter G-string, others have slightly more coverage.

  Johnny places his finger under my jaw, lifting it up. “It’s remarkable when you first see it, I know.” He pulls me along behind him to the bar area.

  The whole place is vivid with color, the only people that aren’t dressed in brilliant, bright colors are the men, who are all sitting around the dance floor. Some in chairs with women dancing on their laps. The music is fun and not intimate like it usually is. It kind of reminds me of a carnevale atmosphere with the costumes, music and the way they have the club set up in an almost baroque style.

  “It’s remarkable.” My voice drops in pitch as Creed appears on the other side of the bar. My hands become sweaty, and I try to look anywhere but at him. I still don’t know how I feel about him turning up at my house, or how I feel about him being at the club at the same time I was. He could have been there for any reason, but I didn’t want to know and chose to walk away instead. You shouldn’t get involved with your boss, everyone knows that. I’ve never had a job that pays this good, and it’s not one I want to fuck up by having any sort of feelings involved. So my fake smile touches my lips, my teeth which are perfect thanks to years of braces show before I open my mouth to speak. “Creed, how are you?”

  Not giving him an option to reply, I walk away, heading straight to my first customer.

  Two men step up to Creed when I’m pouring the customer a drink, and after I finish serving, I turn to notice all three men staring at me. Creed’s eyes are the most intense, they cause an intense shudder inside me and I have to look away. I’m not sure if it’s what’s behind the stare that scares me the most or just the intensity of it. Either way, it’s not something I want to continue.

  “Elicea, is it?” The voice is strong, his hair sun-kissed. Did they make these men in a factory? Honestly, they are all so damn handsome. Then I realize he is the same man that was with Creed that first night, I remember seeing him but he didn’t imprint in my mind like Creed.

  I offer my hand to which he looks at, then me, then decides to shake it firmly. My father always taught me that a strong handshake usually means good character. Most of the time he was right.

  “Darby, and this is Falcon. We also own this place along with Creed, who you’ve already met.” He nods his head to the other man standing next to him whose eyes are so fierce it’s hard to continue to look into them. Falcon smiles at me, his smile large.

  “Nice to meet you, and thanks again for hiring me.”

  They both look to Creed who does nothing but watch me. His voice silent, his stare intense. Interrupting, a customer walks up to the bar and I excuse myself as Darby turns and speaks to Creed in a hushed whisper. Looking back as I prepare a drink, he’s still watching me while Darby continues to speak. Turning back to the front, I almost drop the drink I have in hand as Falcon stands in front of me.

  “Hi—” My voice is less than a squeak, I didn’t expect him to be so close. The only thing separating us is the beer dispenser. His eyes do this thing, it’s sly, almost like he’s a natural at it. He looks you over but doesn’t do it in an insulting way. It’s like he’s assessing you, when really he’s checking you out.

  “Can I call you, El?”

  “Elicea is fine,” I say with a smile.

  Only certain people can call me that, and he doesn’t have that right, yet. His lip quirks up and his eyes look to the left quickly to where the guys are standing. I follow and see Creed watching us with Darby still talking to him, his face heated with anger as his eyebrows scrunch together so far they almost join.

  “Is Creed in trouble?” It leaves my mouth without meaning for it to do so. I look back to Falcon who’s smiling so large. He shakes his head and steps back.

  “Oh, sweetheart, one thing you need to learn, Creed is always in control.” He turns, nodding his head once to him, then looks back to me. “And if you aren’t careful, he’ll control you next.” Falcon winks as he walks away. His words rattle around in my head as Creed walks over to me, Darby standing where he was watching the interaction.

  “What did he say?” Creed asks.

  I take a step back, picking up an empty glass, just to have something in my hands. “Nothing.”

  His head drops to the side. “Nothing spoke to you for longer than a minute, so that’s interesting.”

  “Why does it matter?” I wish I could take the words back as they leave, the last thing I want to do is sass my boss who could fire me. But he doesn’t look angry, he appears intrigued.

  “It doesn’t,” Creed answers and walks back to Darby where he takes his seat at the end of the bar, his stare intent to stay firmly on me the whole time. I carry on serving, getting the drinks for the girls and their customers. I continue to do so for the next few hours only looking at Creed a few times. The first time his head was down, and he was doing paperwork, but after that he was watching me again. I want to say it’s creepy the way he looks at me, but in reality it makes me want to rip my clothes off in front of him and ask him what he wants to do with me.

  “If you want extra cash, you should do what we do,” Bethany says. She’s said a few “hellos” to me throughout the night and is always polite. Looking past her, I notice the women who are all over the men, some dressed in what I would wear to
bed, definitely not what I would show a complete stranger.

  Looking to my left, my eyes land on Creed. If the customers looked like him—I shake my head.

  “No thanks, this job pays enough.”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “Your loss, but remember, if you want to triple what you earn, the floor is the way to go.”

  “She won’t be on the floor, her job is bar only.”

  Bethany and I turn to Creed, but he isn’t looking at her—his eyes are on me. The tension is thick, so much so I want to run away every time he’s near. I’m afraid if we stand too close for too long, the way we look at each other won’t matter because we’d be in one of those beds so quick I wouldn’t know what hit me.

  “She too good to do what we do?” I forgot Bethany was still there, and both of us turn to her. Her hand is on her hip, her mouth in a thin line as she watches Creed. He stands tall and I stare as she becomes alert to his every move. Slowly, I walk away, and neither of them notice.

  “I’d be careful if I was you.” Johnny makes me jump on the spot, I didn’t see him come in. He was just out back on a break.

  “What? Why?”

  He nods his head to where they’re still speaking. Bethany looking down to the floor as Creed speaks to her.

  “The girls here—let’s just say, Creed’s the purest of candy. They all want him, but he never shows any interest in them. The others do so more than him, and hunny, they all want to lick and taste that candy.” Looking back to Johnny, I see him watching them as much as I am. “They will hate you. Some have already seen how much attention he gives you when you’re on. He’s never here, ever, this much. So be careful, girls can be mean when they think you’re jumping in on their territory.”

  “I wasn’t—”

  Johnny smiles, one arm hugging me to him. “It’s okay, poppet. You were. But I can see you’re fighting it.”