Smirnov Bratva 04 - Dismissed Page 3
“He needs to cut you from his crew, or whatever you young fuckers call it. What do they call it these days, Viktor?” I scratch my head, stepping back, leaving the kid on the floor crying.
“Anton, come the fuck on. We have somewhere to be. He said not to kill them, just teach them a lesson, and you’ve done that.”
“Oh, yeah… so you two…” I say, looking back to them, “… would never make it. Ever. If I see you again, a finger will be the least of your concerns. Next time it will be all of your heads.”
All eyes are on the kid trying to not scream out from the pain, their lips blue from the cold.
“Now fuck off so I can go and get laid.”
They all nod their heads eagerly then hurry past as we make way for them to leave.
Walking back out, Kazier and Death remained in the car.
“Lazy fuckers, you could have gotten out,” I say, directing my rant mainly at Death. He returns my stare but doesn’t say a word.
“The girls are already there. I have to stop at the house.” Kazier shakes his head, he hasn’t been back there since his father was killed. He seems to avoid the place whenever it comes up in conversation.
Viktor drives straight there, knowing where he wants to go without saying a word. Checking my phone, I have several missed calls and messages from women I’ve fucked, wanting to meet up again.
Most of the time I don’t give them my number—Viktor hands them my number in secret to piss me off.
The last time we were here, we had to clean up the mess Freya left. Now we’re back because company has arrived.
The door is open and the lights are on when we pull up. Kazier looks back to me then back to the door as Viktor beeps the horn loudly.
Nothing happens.
No one comes out, and I’m left wondering what the fuck we’re doing. I could be potentially chasing a piece of ass right now.
“Get out, Anton,” Kazier says as he steps out of the car. Looking back to me, he waits until I walk around to his side.
“What the fuck! Why am I the only one getting out? I cleaned up the mess in this house.”
Kazier shakes his head then looks back to the steps.
“Because it’s your fucking sister.”
“Oh fuck!”
Trouble. Trouble is all that little shit has been.
“Yeah, oh fuck! Go and sort her out before I have to.”
Walking up the stairs and entering the house—the same one Freya killed Kazier’s father and evil stepmother in—I hear music softly floating out from my left, so I turn to follow the sound. The sitting room is in darkness, but I know someone is in here because I can hear whispers drifting over the music.
Flicking the light on, my eyes are scalded, burned I tell you.
My sister is naked. Butt-ass naked, sitting on a guy and riding his cock, or maybe she’s pretending to be a cowboy. Yep, that sounds more feasible. She doesn’t stop, she just turns her head to look at me, then scowls. The guy, on the other hand, starts moving away and she tries to hold him still with her hands.
“Alyona, why the fuck are you in this house?” My hands cross over my chest as she’s shoved to the side of the couch. She drops heavily to the floor where I can no longer see her, as the guy that was under her stands up. He looks to me with eyes wide then ducks down reaching for his clothes.
“You don’t have to go.”
He stands looking from her to me then decides to leave anyway. His head is down as he passes me.
“Yo.” He jumps, and I laugh as he runs to the door.
“You’re such an ass,” she grumbles while standing and putting the rest of her clothes on.
Alyona is the ripe old age of fucking eighteen. Boarding school finished, so now she’s home to make my life a living hell.
“You’re fucking on the boss’ couch. Seriously Alyona, at least take your… whatever he is, to a motel.”
She shakes her head. “I found the keys,” Alonya says. She’s fully dressed now and smiling at me.
“You can tell that to the boss.”
She looks past me then out the door. “You’re all here, aren’t you?” Her eyes roll, and she walks past me to the door. I follow her, shutting the door and locking it behind us as we step outside. All three boys are standing against the car talking, and they all look up when we come out.
“Seriously, why not just one?” She walks past the guys and straight to the car, pulling the door open with all her might as she gets in and then slams it shut.
They all look up at me for an explanation, but I don’t have one to give.
I have fuck-all really.
“Is she even old enough to go to the club?” Viktor asks, looking through the window at her.
I forgot they haven’t seen her since she was thirteen. But now she’s back, and annoying as all hell.
“I’m old enough. Plus, you owe me, you just lost me a really good lay. You’re taking me with you.”
“Fuck, she even sounds like you,” Viktor says while shaking his head.
“Fuck off, she’s damn irritating,” I reply.
“And you aren’t?” Death chimes in, raising his eyebrow at me.
Kazier looks to me, shrugs his shoulders, then that’s the end of that.
Alyona sits in the middle between Death and me, typing away furiously on her cell as we make our way to the club. She doesn’t say much, and neither does anyone else, as we pull up. That is until she gets out.
“So… you can get me drinks without being carded, right?” she asks Kazier, as she pulls her hair free from her ponytail and shakes it out.
“You’re only allowed vodka, you know this,” I say, walking past her, and straight past the line-up of people waiting out front.
Alyona catches up to me. “You know you don’t have to play the big brother macho role, I’ve been fine without one for many years.”
“Shut the fuck up and don’t piss me off.”
She flips me the bird as she walks in, and that’s when I look around and stop. My hands rub together and a smile so vast forms on my lips.
She’s here.
Then I turn to see my sister watching me. Her eyes have followed where I was looking, and now she’s making her way over to Jade aka Samara.
Fuck my life.
Chapter 4
Dressing to go out all night is not something I often do unless it involves a strip club. On the very few occasions I do go out, it usually revolves around work anyway, and now I'm out of work’s clutches I can dress in any way I please. I could wear a massive sweater ten times too large and not even care. Except Raven would care because she comes in dressed looking like she wants a pickup. She’s clad in my skirt that sits high on her thighs, the one I wore to work today which is too short for her, matched with a pair of heels I wear on the stage on her feet.
“You could break your ankle,” I say to her.
Raven laughs and shakes her head. Then her eyes skim me. I’m wearing jeans and a shirt, nothing fancy, not even heels are on my feet. Her head starts swinging from side to side before the words I know are about to leave her mouth. “Nope, no way. At least put on a skirt and heels.”
Looking down then back up to her, I see the ‘please’ written on her face. I don’t want to argue, so I do as she asks and manage to finish getting dressed as the Uber driver pulls up to the front. She rushes out, letting me lock up behind her.
It doesn’t take long to drive back to that place and walk to the doors. After a wait, we head off and the minute we make it through the long line and into the club, my eyes scan the crowd and then the VIP area—there’s no sign of him, not even anyone he usually hangs with. My palms stop sweating, and instantly I relax as Raven pulls me through the club to the bar. Tonight I’m not drinking to get drunk. I need to be fully aware and keep my wits about me, especially when it comes to who I sleep with, and who Raven plans to hook up with.
I think that’s her plan. To celebrate her big night by ge
tting laid. Let’s face it, it’s what I would do if I didn’t have responsibilities weighing heavily on my shoulders.
“Oh my God, this place is insane.”
She’s right, it is. It’s one of the busiest nightclubs in the city. I was surprised it took us only thirty minutes to get in tonight, even if we did come early. Raven sips her drink and starts shaking her hips slowly from side to side. She’s smiling and happy. Seeing her happy makes me pleased. It means I’m doing something right. She’s the something right in my life and also the something that I’m very proud of.
“Dance,” she says over the top of her glass. Dancing is one thing I know I will never fail at. It’s something that takes over my hips, and I sway to the music, feeling it down to my very soul. I taught Raven how to dance at a young age, and now she’s a beautiful dancer as well.
A tap comes on my shoulder just as Raven goes to say something to me. Turning around, I see a girl with dark brown hair standing behind me smiling. She looks familiar, but I don’t know how.
“Hi, I’m Alyona, what’s your name?” Her hand is out, so I look down and take it, shaking it slightly, wondering if this girl has a screw loose.
“Sam,” I reply using the name everyone calls me by. Alyona looks behind her then back to me, blocking my view as she stands directly in my way.
“Look, do you know Anton?”
My eyes grow large as recognition hits. Shaking my head, I turn around to ignore her when he’s standing right behind me, his eyes climbing me up and down like a ladder. Anton’s hand goes to his cock, and he adjusts himself while staring at me.
“Did you just adjust your dick right in front of me?” I ask him in disbelief.
He nods eagerly. “You made me hard.”
“Oh my God, do you have no shame?” I ask, yelling over the music.
He looks down, removing his hand from his very large cock that’s slightly crooked, so it hits that perfect place. Oh God, now I have his cock pictured in my head. I bet that was his sneaky plan all along. The girl behind me starts saying something in another language, Russian I think. I look between the two of them as they talk while I’m in the middle.
“He’s all yours,” I say and back away, so I’m not involved in any of this shit.
“Fuck off, she’s my sister.” His eyes narrow at her. “My trouble-making sister.”
Alyona’s hand goes to her hip as it pops out to the side. She turns to face me and smiles. “Pleased to meet you.” Then she turns and walks off, leaving me standing there with Anton who’s still looking me over. My sister walks up, I know it’s her because her hand goes to my hip softly to nudge me to let me know she’s there. Anton’s eyes find her then he looks Raven over.
“So help me God, if you adjust your cock from looking at my sister… I will cut the thing off.” I don’t say it loud enough for the people around us to hear, only for Anton and Raven’s benefit, and their eyes shine brightly in amusement and my sister gasps.
“Samara,” she says, her hand covering her mouth.
“That only seems to happen to you, sweetheart. Next time why don’t you adjust it for me?”
Does he think that shit’s going to work on me?
I snicker at his words then look to my side. Notice the group he is with—the same people as always are sitting. The girl that’s usually with Dmitry is there as well, sitting next to him.
“Join us.”
I’m about to say no when Raven says, “Sure.” She smiles as she starts walking to where his sister is seated. Anton moves off and then stops between the bystanders and dancers as he realizes I’m actually not moving.
“I’ll carry you.”
My feet start moving quickly with those words, and I stay behind him as we make our way over. Raven smiles and offers a small wave as we reach the VIP section, where all the men look like they’re about to pull a gun and shoot this place up if someone even remotely pisses them off.
Fuck that! I need to get Raven away from this. She’s about to graduate as a doctor, not a fricking gang member. Is that what these people even are?
“Hi,” I say with a small wave to Dmitry. He looks up at me then looks back down to the ground, his hand on his girlfriend’s leg.
“Oh, you know Death, do you?” Anton’s voice comes close to my ear.
Turning and leaning backward, so we aren’t in each other’s space, I answer him, “Death?” I question. “Dmitry? Yes, I’ve met him several times.”
Anton’s eyes go wide, and he turns his attention past me and back to his group.
“You didn’t correct her? You didn’t tell her you’re the keeper of death?” Anton laughs while shaking his head and then looks back to me. “His name is Death. The only person that calls him Dmitry is his baby momma.”
Death nods his head to his wife who’s smirking.
“Oh, sorry,” I say, apologizing to them.
Death—what the hell is with that name, it’s the weirdest shit I’ve ever heard—looks up to me then straight back down. He doesn’t seem to care, or maybe just doesn’t care about what I call him.
“Hey, you slapped Anton last time?” a girl’s voice asks me. Turning, I see a cute woman, who’s sitting next to a man double her size. I nod my head, remembering how he thought he could touch me without my permission. He was sadly mistaken. “I’m pretty sure we can be friends… I shot him once, too.” A smile etches on my face as she winks at me. “This is Viktor, and I’m Freya.” She waves her hand, with an enormous ring on it, to the man sitting next to her then across the room to the rest.
“That’s Elina over there and sitting next to her is Kazier, followed by Pollie as well as Death, who you already seem to know, which is surprising because he doesn’t like anyone,” she says back to me. I don’t justify that with an answer because it’s not my place. He could hate me for all I know, but he still comes every day to purchase his food from me.
“Samara… and this is Raven,” I introduce us.
Raven’s already seated, sipping on her drink. The only ones still standing are myself and Anton, who’s right behind me staring at my ass. I click my fingers in his face, and his head pops up with a devilish smile plastered on it. Pervert.
“She doesn’t date, you know,” Raven states from her seat, she’s sounding increasingly more drunk by the minute.
“Raven,” I warn her. I can feel all their eyes on me now.
Anton though doesn’t care, and steps in front of me. He leans down and says loud enough for all of us to hear. “That’s all right, little one, I only want what’s between her legs. Any ideas on how I’d go about that?”
I gasp louder than I wanted to, and immediately wish I had a knife on me.
Who the fuck says that shit?
“Oh, that’s easy, just don’t talk, she already thinks you’re a firecracker in the sack. It’s purely your voice that annoys her.”
Everyone, and I mean everyone around us, laughs, even Death.
Anton stands, his hand touching the back of his head in a confused look. My eyes are open wide and looking down at Raven.
Why on earth did she say that?
“Fuck! See, we always tell you to shut up, Anton,” Freya says.
Anton’s eyes come to me, and he smirks. I know he’s over what she just said because if it did hurt him, he doesn’t show it.
“Okay, so no talking and we get to fuck?”
I shake my head, but my sister decides to speak. “You need to take her back to your place, she doesn’t have anyone at ours.”
Leaning down, I snatch the drink from her hands that she was sipping. She’s way too drunk.
“Nope, not happening. I need to get her home,” I say, reaching for Raven’s hand to pull her up but instead she pulls away from me.
“We can take her home.” These words come from a bombshell. Literally, heels, make-up, even her voice is beautiful and so is the man on her side. Elina they called her.
“Done,” Raven says.
My hand is taken a
nd I’m pulled away from Raven and through the crowd. My body touches cold air before I can manage to get a word out. “Where are we going?”
Anton types away on his cell then lifts it to me as we wait for a car.
We’re going to fuck.
I shake my head and try to pull away, but he just smirks at me. A car pulls around—a large SUV—and he opens the door without saying a word. When I don’t get in, his large body pushes me against the door of the car and his hands go to my hips. Anton’s mouth assaults me. He’s planned his invasion and has taken charge. His taste takes over, and it becomes like a drug, an Anton drug, one I wasn’t aware I needed until this very moment.
All that avoiding for what? At this very second, he has what I need, and he’s about to take me there.
He pulls back, and I slip into his car as he closes the door. Neither of us speaks as he drives, one hand clutches the wheel while the other sits on his lap. He looks lost in thought, or maybe I’ve finally managed to find a way to shut him up. Shit, what am I doing?
Just as I’m about to tell him to take me back, the car comes to a stop. Anton opens his door and walks around to my side. Clasping onto my hand, he pulls me out.
I remember this house from the first time. Money. It’s all I see when I look at it. A shitload of it. Walking into the house, he pulls me inside then slams the door shut. Anton’s lips are on mine in an aggressive kiss, and I don’t stop him. My clothes are removed and torn off my body. His hands are everywhere and fast. There’s so much of him—his smell, his mouth, his lips, his hands. Everywhere. He doesn’t give me room to breathe or to even think, as he pulls away just enough to tug at his own clothes and pull them off with one hand, discarding them onto the floor while his hand stays on my body clutching me.
“Move,” is all he says. All his words gone apart from that single one.
My mouth opens, but nothing escapes. I like it. I like to be dominated, I like it when he asserts his control over me. Anton smirks because he notices the reaction it has on me as well, then he lifts me up over his shoulder as he walks me to a room. Closing the door, he slaps my ass hard. His hand hits that perfect spot, sending a tingle between my legs. I squeeze them tighter, then he does it again just before he places me down on the ground.