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Smirnov Bratva 04 - Dismissed Page 4

  A single light shines in from the hallway as he steps back, his hands now off my body. Then he switches on the light, so neither of us can hide, both naked under the bright lighting and he doesn’t care.

  Anton couldn’t care less, his body is perfect. When I first saw him it was the initial thing I noticed, it’s what made me want him so much. That was until he spoke, and became a cockhead. Now though, now I don’t even care about his words as he steps closer.

  Anton’s hands are back on my body.

  How I miss this.

  The feeling of another man touching me in such an intimate way. To have someone want to touch me and want my body. It’s something I miss, and it’s something I want more of. Some just don’t realize how lucky they are to have it.

  A tear slips free, so I brush it away before he notices as he pushes me back onto the bed, covering me with him. He dips down, his lips drag all over me, pausing on my scar, paying particular attention to it before he moves down lower. Anton’s mouth may dribble a lot of crap, but he sure as shit knows how to use it as he licks me between my legs, pushing them further apart with his hands.

  My back arches, my hands touch his hair threading my fingers through the fine strands as he plays with me, making me tense and shake as he licks me like no other has before him. The moment my hands grip the bed sheets and my head arches back, he stops to let me calm down, or so I thought, to ride the wave. As it finishes assaulting me, he’s in me, taking that wave and capturing it as his own, gliding in and out of me, slow then fast. My hands don’t move, everything becomes more intense with the friction of each movement as he pushes into me.

  “I could fuck you every day.” His voice whispers in my ear, his hand on my breast. Then his mouth is on them while his cock is still in me.

  “Fuck,” I scream as I come again. It’s too much all at once. It’s taking over, and I’m becoming his bitch—his sex bitch.

  How did I avoid this for two months?

  I knew it would be good to do again, I just didn’t think it would be smart to go that way again with him.

  He falls off me and lies next to me as I gather my breath. When I open my eyes, a bottle of water is near my face as he holds it up for me. I take a sip then he places it back down on the bedside table and he lays down, pulling me back with him.

  “No sneaking off, I plan to fuck you in the morning.” Anton closes his eyes as he pulls me into him, and within a few seconds, I hear his soft snores as he holds on too tight for me to escape.


  Chapter 5


  Her scent invades me, it’s all I can smell when I wake up, and it’s fucking brilliant. Just as she was last night, even if it meant I had to shut up to taste her and to fuck her again. What a wild drug she fucking is.

  “I can hear you thinking, stop it,” she grumbles into my arm as she sleeps. “Gosh, how are your thoughts so loud?” She moves to get away from me, but I pull her back then pin her beneath me. She doesn’t fight me, just smirks. “I need coffee,” she says.

  “You need a breath mint,” I retort back, scrunching up my nose.

  “Oh my God, you so did not say that. I’m meant to have sweet breath…” I blow into my hand to smell, “… no morning breath here. Gosh, you kill the buzz fast.” She wiggles underneath me, which in turn moves on my already hard cock. I could say it’s morning wood, but that would only be a half-truth.

  “You want me to lie and tell you, you smell like fucking daisies?” I ask her, confused. She shakes her head. “I can see if you smell like daisies. There’s a particular area where I think you do.” I smirk while holding onto her hands, and then I drop lower as I drag my body down over on hers. She squirms, but she can’t do anything.

  “Anton, Anton.”

  My lips touch her, barely, and she squeezes her legs tight, locking my head between them. I have to remove my hands from hers to push myself free.

  “Anton.” The voice is loud.

  Looking back up, I see Samara’s expression and want to laugh.

  “Mama, just wait,” I yell in Russian.

  Samara pushes back and off me, scrambles off the bed and looks around for her clothes, which are downstairs.

  “I have your lady’s clothes, Anton. Is she still in there?”

  English, my mother chose to speak English. Fuck.

  “Yes, leave them at the door.”

  “Bring her down.” I hear her footsteps walking away, and when I turn, I see Samara with her hands covering her mouth and a freaked-out expression on her face.

  She starts shaking her head rapidly. “I am not meeting your mother.”

  “I have a better idea, let’s spend all day in bed while I fuck you until you can’t move.”

  “Are you insane? Your mother is here.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “She was here last night when I brought you home.”

  Her hands drop to her sides, and she looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind. “This is your mother’s house?” I nod my head. “And you still live with your mother?” she asks, looking quite confused.

  “Technically my father as well, but that piece of shit is always in Russia. My sister is here too, now that she’s no longer enrolled in boarding school.”

  “Gosh, I don’t care… sneak me the fuck out of here now.” She pulls the sheet from the bed when she realizes she’s still naked and my eyes keep roaming.

  “But I wanted to smell for daisies.”

  “Anton, so help me God, I’ll bury you in the daisy bushes if you don’t get me out of here.”

  I quirk an eyebrow at her—it’s her daisy bush I would love to be buried in.

  “Not those ones, you perv, in the fucking ground.”

  “I like it when you’re feisty with me,” I say, turning and opening the door to pick up her clothes, and that’s when I realize they are torn. Alyona walks out of her room, at that exact moment, with a few clothes in her hands and she walks them to me then smiles.

  “Hi Sam,” she chimes, then walks off.

  Closing the door, I hold both sets of clothes in my hand, the torn ones as well as Alyona’s.

  “Why do you have two sets of clothes?” Samara walks up to me still holding the sheet in her hand in front of her as she reaches for hers, then realizes the same thing I did. She isn’t walking out in them. She looks up to me, her eyes have turned dark. They’re almost black as her anger builds, so I pass her the other set of clothing. She snatches them then walks away to my bathroom, slamming the door.

  I guess that’s the end of my pussy patrol for the day.

  Dressing and getting ready, I wait for her to walk back out. She opens the door slowly. She’s dressed in a dress that fits her way better than it ever did my sister. It makes me want to tear it off Sam again.

  “Don’t even think about it, I need to go home.”

  I nod my head then open the door, waving for her to go ahead first. When she walks past me, I can smell the toothpaste she used, and can’t help the smile that forms on my face.

  That is until I hear my mother’s voice.

  “Oh, wow, you’re just way too pretty to be with my Anton.” Her accent is thick, and Sam freezes where she is on the steps, as my mama stands at the bottom. There’s nowhere for her to run now.


  “You hush. How come you never bring women home? Who is this one?”

  Sam turns to me with raised eyebrows and whispers to me, “You never bring anyone here?”

  I shake my head and turn back to my mama, taking Sam’s hand as I walk down the steps and pulling her with me.

  “No, you’re not going. I cooked. You come eat now. All-American breakfast for your American.” I look back to her to see Sam shaking her head at me as my mama walks off to the dining area.

  Alyona decides to come bounding down the stairs at that very moment.

  “You don’t want to be rude, she did cook for you.”

  I should tell her she cooks like this every morning, but I keep
my mouth shut. Sam nods her head and lets me take her hand as we make our way to the dining room.

  Breakfast consists of what Mama usually cooks—eggs and pancakes—but she’s added extras, and I know she’s done that because we have a guest. I pull Sam’s chair out to get her to sit, and she does, then Viktor’s voice cuts through the air.

  “Auntie, it looks delish,” Viktor says in Russian while walking around the table with Freya glued to his side.

  “Eat, eat.” Mama waves her hands around and waits for everyone to start eating before she does. Smirking and looking to Sam, I see her watching everyone. They’re all digging into the food quickly. It happens regularly, my mama is one of the best cooks around, and they all come here for her food. Mama loves to feed everyone.

  “You marry her?” my mama asks in very poor broken English.

  Sam spits out the juice that has only just touched her lips, and she looks up, shaking her head ever so slightly.

  “Oh, you know…. maybe.”

  “She not Russian,” Mama tells me.

  I shake my head then look to Freya.

  “Last Russian girl is gone now,” I say, smirking, as Freya kicks me under the table.

  “Yes, yes. Marry that American girl, Anton,” Mama says, effectively ending the conversation.

  I feel Sam’s breath on my ear as she leans in close. “We are not getting married.”

  I turn smirking to her. “If you say so, dear.”

  Freya laughs loudly, then tries to stop when Sam turns to face her.

  “You have to realize he doesn’t bring anyone to meet Mama,” she says. “I was lucky to meet her only because I’m married to basically her second son,” Freya tells me.

  “He didn’t really give me a choice,” Sam whispers, trying to be respectful of my mama, who’s busy now reading her magazine at the end of the table.

  Too much English and she zones out, unable to understand everything.

  “Well, I find this all very interesting… and fascinating as well. Anton loving on a woman, hmm… who would have thought?” Freya says.

  “He doesn’t love her,” Viktor says. I tip my head to him. “He just loves the way she makes him feel right now.”

  “You really suck sometimes, you know that?” Freya says, then shakes her head.

  “Ignore my husband. One thing you need to learn… if you take on one, you take on all. These two…” she thumbs her fingers at us, “… have been joined at the hip since birth, along with Kazier. Except he has other responsibilities they don’t have.”

  “What about Death?” she asks, intriguing me.

  “Oh, well… him and Anton… they have a unique relationship.”

  “How do you know him?” I ask Sam, not knowing how they even know each other. She looks at me, but Freya interrupts before she can speak.

  “Anyway, they’re like the lover and hater. You know… those love-hate relationships. Anton loves him, Death hates him.” Freya giggles.

  “He does not,” I say, defending my relationship with Death.

  “If you say so.”

  “Anyway, basically, they’re inseparable.”

  “I need to go, I have to get ready for work,” Sam says, standing.

  She thanks my mama, who waves and smiles then places her eyes back down, focusing on her magazine. “You come back for more breakfast.”

  Sam nods her head then starts toward the front door. She doesn’t wait for me to open it. Instead, she does it herself, pushing the door open and then breathes in deeply.

  “You have a lot of people that love you,” Sam says, not looking at me. “It must be nice.” Then she steps toward my car, opening the door and sliding in.

  “It is,” is all I can reply as I start up the car, and I’m left wondering what she means when she said that.

  Chapter 6


  He’s incredibly lucky to have love like he has everywhere around him, it’s something most people crave. He has people everywhere, even his friends and family.

  I have Raven, and that’s about it. I sometimes think that’s my own fault by shutting so many people out so no one can get too close to me because all I do is for Raven. I want her to have all the things I couldn’t have, that my parents never dreamed of for me. She needs that and should have that. It’s not her fault we were born to people who probably shouldn’t have had kids. Despite everything, I still love my father. Even if he was only there on certain days, and even if he was drunk most of the time, I still miss him.

  “I need to stop here,” Anton says, pulling up to the local fruit shop. He slides out then walks to my side, opening the door, waiting for me to get out. It's then I realize how much quieter he’s been.

  “You don’t have to be quiet for me,” I say to him, walking beside him into the store.

  Anton smirks and shakes his head. “You may wish you hadn’t said that.” He walks to the back of the store and grabs a large tray of assorted fruits then starts for the register. He places them down then turns to me. “Kiss me.”

  I shake my head, looking around.

  He clucks his tongue at me. “If you don’t kiss me right now I will scream.”

  I laugh lightly and roll my eyes turning back to the front.

  Then he screams. Literally he lets out an almighty screech, and I almost combust on the spot from embarrassment.

  Turning back to him fast, he points to his lips, and I instantly stand up on my toes and touch my lips to his.

  He shuts up immediately.

  Then he takes over the kiss, kissing me with tongue, passion, and not a care in the world considering people are now staring. We hear someone cough. I manage to pull away, breaking our kiss while his hands are still on my waist. Anton looks down then turns to the older lady who’s watching us, as she starts scanning the items. Anton picks up the cucumber and looks to me.

  “This one is for eating this time, okay?”

  My face goes bright red, and my hand covers my mouth.

  The lady gasps as she scans the items, and Anton just smirks as he places it back down. My head drops and I try to think of all the ways I’m about to kill him. Then when we leave, I laugh, laugh out loud.

  What the fuck just happened?

  “I like that.”

  I shake my head, my laugh dying. “Don’t ever do that again.” My stare pins him.

  “I’ll think about it.” He smirks opening my door.

  “For a real ass, you sure as shit are a gentleman.”

  And then he ruins it. “It’s just so I can fuck you again. Plus, I get to stare at that ass.” His eyes drop to my ass as I climb in.

  “I want to junk punch you right now, just so you know.” Turning to look at him, he smirks, then his hand goes to his junk and he cups it while puckering up his lips.

  “As long as your mouth comes near it, I’m down for some kinky fucking.” Then he shuts the door, leaving me sitting in his car wondering how the fuck he hasn’t been knocked out yet. Seriously. His mouth should have at least gotten him stabbed by now. Or maybe it has.

  As he drives, the smile does not leave his face. The smirk sits there cockily like a badge of honor or something.

  I don’t understand him.

  He talks too much.

  But can fuck like no other.

  And despite it all, I would definitely see him again.

  Because he makes me want… more.

  Not from him, but from this life.

  “Where are you working?”

  “The Club,” I lie. Turning, I pull the handle, opening the door, avoiding the question. “Thank you.”

  “For what? The sex?” he asks just as I’m about to close the door. Turning, I see the smile that’s on his face.

  “No, for the ride.”

  “So, not for the sex,” he asks, raising an eyebrow.

  “That too. I mean…” I shake my head. “Goodbye.”

  I hear Anton’s chuckle as I shut the door, then walk up the stairs to my small apartment
. Then I remember I didn’t tell him where I lived so I turn around and ask, “How’d you know?”

  He’s still sitting there watching me. “Samara Lisa Hanson, I know all there is to know about you. Enjoy your day off.” Anton drives off while my mouth hangs open. He caught me on my lie, and he even knows my full name and God only knows what other details.

  “Sam.” Raven’s voice startles me from behind. Turning, she has a toothbrush in her mouth, smiling as she watches me. “You’re getting home relatively late.” She giggles. “Good night last night?” she asks.

  I head out and start removing Alyona’s clothing so I can go shower.

  “How did you get back?” I yell out to her.

  “Death,” she tells me, making me stop.

  My hand pauses on the zipper as I turn to walk back out of the shower area.

  “He didn’t…”

  She shakes her head. “He’s scary, intimidating even, but his girlfriend is the kindest soul. She evens him out, I think.”

  I don’t answer her as I walk back to the shower. Stepping in, I look down and notice a hickey on my pelvic bone. How the fuck did he do that? And when? Washing and showering, I get out fast to go and relax with Raven.

  “Do you think you’ll see him again?” she asks as I towel dry my hair.

  “I don’t know, he’s too much.”

  “And you aren’t?” she asks, handing me a tub of Ben and Jerry’s.

  I sit on the couch as she starts Resident Evil for the hundredth time.

  “I’m low maintenance. You should see his house, Rave, it’s bigger than this whole apartment complex. Plus, he lives with his mom. A fact he conveniently forgot to mention when my clothes were stripped and left in her damn foyer.”

  Raven laughs while shaking her head.

  “I bet it was worth it, though.” She winks, placing a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

  My cell starts ringing—it’s work.